I’ve always loved Restoration Hardware’s moss bowl showroom centerpieces, and after visiting our local store here in Jax I knew I could recreate it on a smaller scale to get the same look. Most of the centerpieces found online are usually priced anywhere from $100 up to $1,200 handmade. Here’s how you could get the look for less…
-An empty vessel
-Hot glue gun
-Either preserved green Spanish moss (preferred), grocery bags, newspaper OR craft straw
-Preserved green Sheet moss
Step one — find a vessel to fill — as big or small as you’d like. The RH concrete bowls pictured here are massive in person.
While it would be so fun to make one on that scale, I needed to fill a smaller wooden bowl I already had on-hand.
Step two — create oversized pebble-like shapes using either preserved green spanish moss, grocery bags (what I used), or craft straw. The preserved green Spanish moss would be the best choice, as it blends in with the sheet moss used in the final step. Use enough to fill the bowl and try not to pack each shape down too tight or you’ll have to use more of the material. I made about four shapes in varying sizes, stuffing multiple grocery bags into a single bag until I had the size I wanted, tucking the handles in.
Finally, step three — carefully tear the sheet moss into sections that are approximately the size of your forms and hot glue them on. For this step you can round the edges a bit if you’d like. Laying larger pieces of the moss flat over the entire area would look great as well.
I reserved some of the moss to go back and fill in the cracks. If you use green Spanish moss for shape, you wouldn’t need to do this since it blends in with the sheet moss.
Here’s how it turned out! So simple and lush.